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Progress Report > Package III - Electrical Works

As of May 31, 2005

Physical Progress


JV of ABB, Kinden and Vinaincon

Commencement of the Works

14 February 2003

Contract Period 26 months (Until April 13, 2005)
Time Elapsed (days)  797 of 780 (102.18%) Remaining 45 days



Mainly system commissioning


Fire Alarm Push Button Installation
Lighting Luminance Test has completed
Wiring Devices and Emergency Telephone Installation
MT Lighting Luminance Test has completed
MT Lighting Luminance Test has completed
MT Lighting Luminance Test has completed
Over Height Detector at North Portal
Over Height Detector at North Portal
Earthing Measurement at S/S 8
Earthing Measurement at S/S 8
Lightning Testing chamber at VAB
Lightning Testing chamber at VAB
Trench backfilling and riprap replacement has completed at North Road
Trench backfilling and riprap replacement has completed at North Road
Self-Locked Installation at Southern Road
Self-Locked Installation at Southern Road


Construction Supervision

Summary from Contractor

The month of May was a period of detailed and extensive testing of PKIII systems. Substations No 8 was energised in the first week of May. All other substations had been energised between late February and late April.  With some exceptions, all installation work was completed in mid May and testing and commissioning of systems completed in last days of the month. This included the MV/LV power, lighting control, CCTV; telecommunication, fire alarm and detection, and traffic control systems. The major exception was the radio rebroadcast (RRB) system. Factory acceptance testing was done in early May and equipment panels for OCC and substation locations delivered to site at end of May.

On site training began in April with HAMADECO staff assigned to accompany PKIII trainers during field final installations and checking. Classroom training began in late April and is scheduled to be completed on 8 June.

Combined Emergency Response training took place in May with HAMADECO, PKIII, PKIV, the Engineer’s ER Training Specialist and the participation of local fire and traffic police agencies

Physical Progress in this month

Completion of small power and lighting installations in north and south toll plazas (NTP & STP)

Completion of power, telephone and fire alarm installations in VMB

Completion of fire alarm installations in VAB, NTP, and STP

Completion of lighting control sensors inside and outside tunnel

Completion of installation of the radio rebroadcast leaky coaxial antenna in the tunnel continued with installation of matching amplifiers and cable termination in the tunnel roof area plus coaxial feeder cable to substations.

Completion of back filling of cable trench along south road

Begin small rectification works (PKIII internal snag list)


Previous month

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