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Project Information > Major Features

Principal Features | Construction Diagrams

The Project is a two-lane facility, 12,182m in total length, starting from Lang Co on the existing National Highway No. 1 (NH1) and ending at Lien Chieu on the planned bypass (peripheral artery) in the Lien Chieu Industrial Zone. It includes a 6,280m long tunnel section, bridge sections (eight bridges) of 1,635m in total length, and highway sections of 4,273m in total length. In parallel with the main tunnel, an evacuation tunnel will be constructed to its east. The Project tunnel, to be operated in bi-directional two lanes in the initial stage, will be in future expanded to a four-lane tunnel by enlarging the parallel evacuation tunnel.The ventilation system is a jet-fan longitudinal ventilation system with an intermediate ventilation adit and three electrostatic precipitators. At the south tunnel portal, a tunnel operation building will be constructed together with a 110/22kV substation from which the required power for tunnel operation will be supplied.The Project will be operated as a toll road. Toll-gates are to be installed at both ends of the tunnel.

Principal Features of the Hai Van Pass Tunnel Construction Project

1. Total Project Length

12,182m (from Sta. -1+865 to Sta. 12+047)

1) Beginning Point:

Lang Co (on the existing National Highway No.1)

2) Ending Point:

Lien Chieu (on the planned Bypass in the Lien Chieu Industrial Zone)

2. Number of Traffic Lanes

2 Lanes

3. Tunnel Construction


1) Main Tunnel

2 Lanes (3.75m wide lanes, 1.25m wide shoulders), 89.0m2, 6,280m long, Lay-by at 400m spacing

2) Evacuation Tunnel

15.5m2, 6,286m long

3) Vehicular and Pedestrian Cross Passages:

4 Vehicular/Substation passages - 15.5m2 each

11 Pedestrian passages-8.1m2 each

4) Ventilation System:

Jet-fan Longitudinal Ventilation System with one intermediate ventilation adits (Supply and exhaust, 36.2m2, 1,810m long), and three Elestrostatic precipitators (57.7m2 and 153m long each)

4. Bridge Construction


1) Number and Length:

8 bridges, 1,653m in total length

2) Bridge Type:

Precast, post-tensioned concrete I-girders with 33.35 and 25m spans, cast-in-place concrete pile foundation for the Lang Co Bridge and spread footing for the other 7 bridges.

5. Highway Construction


1) Length:

4,273m in total length

2) Width:

7.50m carriageway, 1.75m shoulders

6. Others


1) Toll Plazas

Two plazas on both ends. Toll Plaza Buildings (main 370m2, sub 90m2)

2) Tunnel Operation Building

1,030m2 at South Portal area

3) Project 110/22KV Substation

At South Portal area

4-1) Permanent Access

From NH1 to the Adit Portal: 403m

4-2) Permanent Access

From the South Portal to Water Reservoir: 817m


Construction Diagrams

Tunnel Civil Works - North Tunnel Section and South Tunnel Section

Ventilation Adit

Langco Bridge Section

Southern Highway Section



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