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As of January 31, 2005

Physical Progress


JV of Cienco, Lung Lo and Vinawaco

Commencement of the Works

26 July 2001

Contract period

960 days (Until March 25, 2004)

Time Elapsed (days)

1235 of 960 (128.65%)




Handed Over on Jan 4, 2005



Construction Supervision


The whole 6 bridges on the route was completed in construction work. Most of construction work was finished and taking-over celebration was held on 4 January 2005 to hand-over to Hamadeco. However, there are some minor works must be carried out to complete such as:

Bridge works:

1.      Top surface of piers and abutments of all bridges must be cleaned

2.      Around rubber part of expansion joints on bridge must be filled by water proofing glue

3.      Protection around A1 (down stream side) of Bridge No.3, crackers on mortar riprap surface of protection around A1&A2 of Bridge No.4 and water drainage ditches in front of A1 of Bridge No.6 must be repaired.

4.      Stair surface of vertical ditch in protection around A1 of Bridge No.5 and A1 of Bridge No.7 must be repaired because of peeling off.

5.      Many handrail sections of Bridge No.5 and Bridge No.6 must be repaired because they are not fix

6.      The Contractor PK2B shall discuss with the Contractor PK3 to repair some positions of electrical post where handrail paint was peeled off.

Road works:

7.      Section from PK2B’s border to Bridge No.2:

* Some broken curbs must be repaired. The Contractor PK2B shall discuss with the Contractor PK3 to reinstall some rail sections that was unbind.

* Ditch in mountainside has not executed yet.

* Slope protection in downstream side must be repaired and grow grass how to be appropriate with landscape of tunnel portal.

8.      Section from Bridge No.2 to Bridge No.3:

* Slope of mountain near bridge No.2 was eroded heavily on surface. The Contractor PK2B are requested to prepare drawing (investigation and design) to submit Consultant to revise and modify strictly.

* Ditch in sea side must be installed in addition.

* Some broken ditch in mountain side must be repaired.

* Stone on surface of cut-slope must be cleaned.

* Berms on cut-slope must be repaired.

* The end section from berm, which was broken, must be repaired strictly.

* The PMU85 shall discuss with local administrator to prevent rushing wood from the top of mountain down to road leading to damage some construction work items

* Some drilling holes for asphalt sample must be filled

* Curb section closed A2 of Bridge No.2 down stream must be added

9.      Section from Bridge No.3 to Bridge No.4:

* Top of retaining wall closed A2 of Bridge No.3 must be casting concrete to flat and to reinforce for precautionary guardrail

* Stream under Bridge No.3 must be cleared off.

* Vertical ditch (mountain side) from Bridge No.3 must be continued construction. Closed this position, excavation of mountain footing must be stopped immediately to avoid damage of slope protection.

* The Contractor PK2B shall grow up grass in road shoulder in mountain side

* Drainage ditch on slope of culver km9+100 up stream side to installed ditch must be continued construction.

* Vertical ditch (mountain side) from culver km9+115 to installed ditch Danang side must be continued construction. In this section, the collection ditch shall be added to collect water to vertical ditch.

* Berms on cut-slope must be repaired.

* Top soil on slope is higher than reinforcing mortar riprap must be flatted and grow grass on surface.

* Vertical ditch, which connect berms on cut-slope, must be added as previous checking minutes.

* Curb slits which closed A1 of Bridge No.4 down stream must be banded

10.  Section from Bridge No.4 to Bridge No.5:

* Curb section closed A2 of Bridge No.4 down stream must be added.

11.  Section from No.5 to Bridge No.6:

* Fours drainage ditch on cut-slope must be added under Engineer’s instruction

* Vertical ditch in sea side must be added.

* Curbs downstream of A1 of Bridge No.5 must be banded.

* Backfill; behind side ditch must be completed

12.  Section from Bridge No.6 to Bridge No.7:

* A section of curb, which was destroyed by households, must be recover. From this position to slope footing must be compacted tightly and trend to vertical ditch to collect water to ditch.

* Some curb sections are not regular must be repaired

* Stone on slope must be moved all.

* A vertical ditch section where underground water run through to road must be treated.

* Vertical ditch in sea side must be added

* Backfill behind side ditch must be completed

13.  Section Bridge No.7 to Toll Plaza:

* Risky stone on slope must be removed.

* Broken vertical because of poor quality must be repaired.

* Connection road upstream of sub road must be completed km11+260

* Backfill behind side ditch must be completed

* Upstream and downstream of culver km11+50 must be repaired (cut slope, facing stone for slope and install berm to run water from vertical ditch to culver gate)

* Inside and outside round culver km11+290 must be cleaned (soil inside must be removed)

* Crackers in connection point between asphalt concrete road and cement concrete road must be repaired by using cutter to create connection joint 2cm wide and to fill mastic and sand.

* Concrete road surface and slope protection in toll plaza area must be cleaned.

* Floor and wall in toll box must be cleaned. Lock of gates in toll plaza must be repaired. Growing up grass and died trees shall be carried out in toll plaza area. Equipment in toll plaza must be tested before taking over.

* Installation extinguisher

* Calculation sheet of structure of Toll Plaza

* Pipe culver, km11+660 up and down stream must be repaired; slope in upstream must be reinforced.

* Vertical ditch wall must be backfilled and compacted tightly.

14.  Section from toll plaza to the end of alignment:

* Vertical ditch must be repaired.

* Behind of vertical ditch wall must be backfilled and compacted tightly.

* Backfill behind side ditch must be completed

15.  Presently, the Contractor PK2B have put km post without submission of drawing and installed position to Engineer. The Contractor PK2B are requested to submit soon for approval before taking over.

16.  Sections, which were added handrail, were approval by Engineer in basically, the Contractor are requested to deploy soon.

17.  Addition of reflection steel plate for all installed guardrail sections

18.  Plant trees along connection road

19.  Addition of speed limit sign at both sides of Toll Plaza (5km/h)

20.  Right off way post must be completed


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