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As of March 31, 2005

Physical Progress


JV of Hazama and Cienco 6

Commencement of the Works

1st October 2000

Contract period

1460 days (Until September 30, 2004)

Time Elapsed (days)

1588 of 1460 (108.77%)



Main Tunnel(3857m)

Excavated 3857m in total (100%)

Concrete Lining: 3,857.00m (100%)

Evacuation Tunnel(3857m)

Excavated 3857m in total (100%)

Cast concrete for Side Drainage completed 3,847m

Ventilation Tunnel(1810m)

Excavated 1887.62m in total (100%)

Concrete Lining: 1,887.62m (100%)

Issuance of Taking Over Certificate

25 January 2005

Site Handover to HAMADECO

31 March 2005

Additional Scope of Works


- Landscaping of North Portal Plaza

- Slope protection of Cut&Cover Section


- Project Monument



Construction Supervision

Summary from Contractor

The Concrete Lining for Standard Section of the Main Tunnel completed 3,857.00m (100%).

In the Evacuation Tunnel, the casting of concrete for the side drainage completed 3,857m.

For the Ventilation Adit, the second lift center wall commenced at the bottom VA station–071.05 and reached to 1+752.51 with a total length 1,823.56m.

Construction Supervision by Engineer

Main Tunnel 

Main Tunnel - Concreting Works

The Main Tunnel Concrete Lining completed with total length of 3857.00m.

MT Rear Works Concreting:

East Side: (Left Side)

Cable Duct Bank:   Completed on 30/4/2004 with total length of 3,857.00m.    

Side Drainage/Catch Basin: Completed on 30/4/2004 with total length of 3,857.00m. 

West Side: (Right Side)

Cable Duct Bank: The conduit duct bank concreting under the walkway structure has completed with total length of 3,857.00m.  

Side Drainage/Catch Basin: Completed on 30/4/2004 with total length of 3,857.00m.

Walkway Structure:

Completed with total length of 3,857.00m.

Main Drainage: 

Completed on 05/7/04 with total length of  3,857.00m.

MT Road Works:

Sub-grade: Completed on 09/7/04 with total length of 3,857.00m.

Base Course: Completed with total length of 3,857.00m.

Pavement works: Completed with total length of 3,857.00m.

Painting works:

East side (left side) was started from station 1+643.0 to station 5+500, with total length of 3.857.0m (Completed).

West side (Right side) was started from station 1+643.0 to station 5+500 with total length of 3,857.0m(Completed).

Hand rail works:

The installation of hand rail had been started at station 1+643 to station 5+500 with total length of 3,857.0m (Completed).

Revision shaft cover: 

completed on 25/10/04.

Pavement line marking:

East, West side (Left, Right side) and Center line: Was stated from station 1+643.0 to station 5+500.0 with total length of 3.857.0m(Completed), Road line marking Distance Indicator at station 2+500 and station 4+500 completed also. Addition double solid line – Rough paint at center line of Main tunnel (completed on 25/1/05).

Installing Reflectorized pavement:

Installing Reflectorized pavement- Rubber guard cones at center line and Delineator at Left side and Right  was started from station 1+643 to 5+500(Completed). 

Electrostatic Precipitator No. 2

Completed and handed over to PKIII& PKIV on Mar 31,2004

Evacuation Tunnel

The casting of concrete for the Side Drainage completed from Sta:1+653 – Sta:5+500 giving a  total length of 3,857m(Completed).

ET Road works:

Subgrade: was started from station:1+643 to 5+500 with totaling of 3857.0m(Completed).

Base course: was started from station 1+643 to station 5+500 with totaling of 3,857.0m(Completed).

Emulsion penetrate pavement: was started from station 1+643 to station 5+500 with toaling of 3,857.0m(Completed).

Cross Passage: the casting of concrete for cross passage doors  No.1,2,4,5,7,8,9 completed, and instaling for the door completed also.

The casting of concrete for Vehicular cross Passage door No.1,2 completed and instaling the vehicular door No.1,2 finished also.

North portal plaza

Subgrade:Completed on 25/10/04.

Base Course: Completed on 30/11/04

Granite curb : Completed on 25/11/04

Guardrain:  Completed on 25/12/04

Asphalt pavement : Asphalt pavement at portal plaza is completed

Road marking and signboard : Road marking and sign board installation completed

Fence, Gate : Completed on 20/02/2005

Landscape: is on going

Rock bold head cover : Rock bold head cover on the slope by mortar (completed on 25/1/05)

Ventilation Adit Tunnel

Lining Concrete:

The Ventilation Adit Concrete Lining completed on Apr 21,2004, including Cut and Cover Section together with its connection to the normal section and enlargement section, totaled to 1,887.62m (Completed).

Rear Works:

Main Drainage: Completed with total length of 1,819.34m.

Center wall Concrete: Complted with total length of 1,823.56m

Cable Duct Bank: (Completed on Apr 29,04).

Subgrade of Road:

The contractor carried out the spreading of the Subgrade and its compaction starting from Station – 71.05 to 1+752.51 of Right side with total length of 1,823.56m(Completed), of left side from Station –71.05 to Station 1+752.51 with total length of 1,823.56m(Completed)

Base – course of Road:

Starting from Station - 71.05 to 1+752.51 of Right side with Total length of 1,823.56m(Completed), Left side from Station – 77.05 to Station 1+752.42  total length of 1,829.56m(Completed).

Pavement works:

The contractor carried out pouring concrete pavement starting from station 0-77.05 – 1+752.51 of Right side with totaling of 1,829.56m(Completed), Left side from Station –77.05 to  Station 1+752.51with total length of 1,829.56m(Completed).

Revision shaft cover: (Completed on 25/10/04).

Portal plaza:

The contractor is pouring concrete base is completed with total length of 57.0m.

The temporary access road remaining of 26.m with subgrade, base course and asphalt pavement (Completed on 25/12/04).

At ventilation Adit is completed and handed over to PK III & PK IV on 12/04.

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