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Progress Report > Package IV - Mechanical Works

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As of May 31 , 2005

Physical Progress


Matsushita - Itochu Consortium

Commencement of the Works

13 March 2002

Contract period 1080 days (Until March 12, 2005)
Time Elapsed (days) 1130 of 1080 (104.53%) Remaining 14 days


  Mainly system commissioning


Waterproofing for air duct separation wall at EP1
Air duct & entrance door of EP3
EP fan & air duct of EP3
Duct & nozzle of EP3
Exhaust fan motor
Measuring ventilation air velocity
Emergency call & fire fighting niche door
Fire fighting equipment in the niche
Emergency response training
Electric barrier at north portal
Installing ladder
Ladder of chimney
Paving around VAB
Fixed point view



Construction Supervision


Up to 31 May 2005 the system were completed for operation.

Water Supply and Treatment System:


Intake Reservoir

10m3 with level sensing switch (H, LL)


Centrifugal Pump

4.0m/h x 122mH, 3ph-415V x 3.0kW x 2 sets


Water Treatment System

Multi-media Filter (Sand Filter)

UV Disinfector

Anthrazite Filter

Chlorine Dosing System


Roof Tank

5m3 (2 x 2.5m3) with 2 x level sensing switch (HH, H, L, LL)


High Level Reservoir

100m3(2 x 50m3) with 2 x level sensing switch (HH, H, L, LL)


Drill Shaft

About 240m long piping from HLR to fire suppression  pipe of the main tunnel including about 64m long down pipe


Fire Suppression Pipe

Approx.6,330m long pipe along the walkway including total 123 sets hydrants at 50m intervals, 20 sets of independent hydrants inside and outside the main tunnel


Fire Fighting Facilities

Total 123 sets of foam fire fighting equipment and fire extinguishers equipped in the fire fighting niches


Irrigation Pipe

145m long pipe with 5 sprinkler faucet for North portal

120m long pipe with 4 sprinkler faucet for South portal

Ventilation Adit Building:

(1) Ventilation Adit Building
This building locating Air Supply and Exhaust Ventilation System is connected to Ventilation adit for supply and exhaust air to and from the main tunnel. Total floor area is 1,246.8m2, Electric room area consisting of 7 rooms is 145.2m2, Mechanical room for Supply/Exhaust fan is 639.0m2 and Air duct for connecting Ventilation adit is 462.6m2. Height of the rooftop is 12.8m and height of the chimney is 25.8m
(2) Ventilation Adit Connection

Ventilation Adit Facilities include building of electric rooms, airconditioning, ventilation, Duct and nozzle, Air outlet barrier, Corner vane, Mesh fence, Lighting and etc…

Tunnel Ventilation System:

(1) Electrostatic Precipitator System

3 x EP System of air volume 260m3/s and soot collecting efficiency 80~87% complete with 2 x 220kW EP fan for each station, auxiliary machines, high voltage generators, control systems and building of EP chambers including air conditioning, lighting and etc…

(2) Jet Fan System

23 x Jet fans with impeller of 1520mm in diameter and capacity of average air velocity 30.2m/s, 23 x Jet fan switching panel, 12 x Jet fan local switch box, power cables and ground cables to be installed in the walkway of the main tunnel and etc…

 (3) Air Supply and Exhaust Ventilation System

2 x 420kW Supply fan with air volume 140m3/s, 2 x 330kW Exhaust fan with air volume 140m3/s, 4 x Damper, Air ducts, Air nozzle, Corner vane, Operation air supply equipment, 10t and 5t Overhead traveling crane, 4 x Power supply panel, 2 x Local control panel and etc…

Construction Supervision


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